Monday, January 23, 2017


HAPPY NEW YEAR! How is 2017 treating you? I'm sure you might have wondered where I have been for the last 5 months! Well, long story short- My job took over my life! I'm happy to report that I no longer work there! I'm currently, unemployed, but I'm kept busy by errands and other such things.  However, I do have more free time now and I think it is time to get back to something I love to do, and that's blogging about various things I care about!
I took this photo a bit after the new year, so yes, this is me in 2017 with my new Puppycat plush that I will do a review on later! I thought I would just say "hi" and let you know there are great blog entries to come! Also, I will be at WonderCon 2017 in April! If you're going to be there let's make sure we say hi!


  1. OMG, I was "missing in action" for most of last year because of my job, too! Lol. I've since quit it, also. Unemployment isn't so fun but...what the heck. :-P

    1. I'm curious as to what your job was, if you don't mind me asking........I had a management job in retail and it was life-consuming!

    2. I worked as an admin assistant in an office; at least that was my title, but what I really did was reviewed things that were sent to our office, notated what was good about them, what was bad, what improvements needed to be made, etc., and then our reps would get in touch with the clients who sent those items in to let them know what still needed to be done. Sorry for sounding vague, but I'm not sure how much more I'm allowed to say, according to the employment contract. The job itself wasn't bad; I liked my duties. It was the little things in the day-to-day operations that made me leave in the then end. :o)
